works >  チュース | Tschüss

チュース | Tschüss


展示に来てくれたお客さんに別れ際の挨拶”Tschüss” (チュース=バイバイ、またね)を恥ずかしがらずに言えるようになったのは滞在後半。




I was from the 13th until the 27 November for two weeks the first time in my life in Berlin, because I had a photo exhibition there. I hung my pictures on the empty walls, went every day to the gallery and removed my photos after the exhibition. During the time in Berlin I stayed in the gallery or I took pictures in the streets of Berlin. (In exchange with the other photographer Mr.K.)

Until 4 o’clock in the afternoon I went around , later it was dark like in the night
I drank  German beer and ate Schnitzel. I heard there is a good Kebab shop in the Neighborhood, so I went there.
I went to the Zoo to see the famous panda bears. I liked Meng Meng and took a picture of  her because I found her and her name so cute.
A photography student watched for a long time my big print in the exhibition, actually it was not one big print, it was made by two roll prints brought together to one picture of a street scene in Osaka.
All people who came to the gallery said “tschüß“ (the German bye bye) when they left.
I also started to answer with“tschüß“, and the people were maybe happy, when I did this. So I learned a German word.

This time there was a difference to my other trips.  New friends and old friends from Berlin came to my exhibition and it was nice to make new acquaintances. And I hope I can stay in contact with them.